Please note: ZooCommunity does not host any sexually explicit content. It is a place for discussion, debate, help and emotional support in regards to an attraction to non-human animals, also known as zoosexuality or zoophilia.
I'd personally recommend Pet Revolution, written by Jane Hamlett and Julie-Marie Strange, which is not zooey per se, but I think leads to intriguing avenues of thought due to brushing against zoophilia while refusing to explicitly acknowledge it.
So many books are "not zooey per se". Actually, strike that. They aren't "zoo", like they aren't books about or by zoophiles, but they *are* zooey. So much of this animal interest boils down to all this stuff about animals where they've cordoned off a tiny little section that is "sex". What makes me zooey is so much bigger than that one tiny part, and I read all these books that have nothing to do with sexuality because they hit that "zooey" spot for me.
The Beast Within: Animals in the Middle Ages has a particularly intriguing examination of animal sexuality and how human sexuality was developed from our perception of it.
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